
What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?
The climax of this novel was when Winston was with Julia in the bedroom in Mr. Charrington's shop when they suddenly recognized that there was actually a telescreen in their room.
The climax of this novel was when Winston was with Julia in the bedroom in Mr. Charrington's shop when they suddenly recognized that there was actually a telescreen in their room.
"We are the dead," he said.
"We are the dead," echoed Julia dutifully.
"You are the dead," said an iron voice behind them.
They sprang apart. Winston's entrails seemed to ahve turned into ice. He could see the white all roudn the irsise of Julia's eyes. Her face had turned a milky yellow. The smear of rouge that was till on each cheekbone stood out sharply, almost ast hrough unconnected witht he skin beneath.
"You are the dead," repeated the iron voice. (1984 - p.182)
"We are the dead," echoed Julia dutifully.
"You are the dead," said an iron voice behind them.
They sprang apart. Winston's entrails seemed to ahve turned into ice. He could see the white all roudn the irsise of Julia's eyes. Her face had turned a milky yellow. The smear of rouge that was till on each cheekbone stood out sharply, almost ast hrough unconnected witht he skin beneath.
"You are the dead," repeated the iron voice. (1984 - p.182)
The dialogue as well as the description created tension and suspense and the horrible surprise of the new iron voice in the room. It was an astonishing effect and had the sort of a bomb dropping down out of the sky next to you that would make your insides ring. It was the starting point where the illegal love affairs and the act of revolution of Winston and Julia were finally discovered.
There was another part which I thought was similar to a climax and that was the part where the rats and the mask were closing in on Winston in the legendary Room 101.
The circle of the mask was large enough now to shut out the vision of anything else. The wire door was a couple fo hand-spans from his face. The rats knew what was coming now. One of them was leaping up and down; the other, an old scaly grandfather of the sewers, stood up, with his pink hadns against the bars, and fiercely snuffed the air. Winston could see the whiskers and the yellow teeth. Again the black panic tok hold of him. he was blind, helpless, mindless. (1984 - p.235)
This part of the novel also created an uptight and a tense moment. This passage was a significant turning point if or if not Winston was going to be spared and if his life ended here in Room 101. It was a dramatic moment of the fate of Winston. It left me to eagerly wait for what would happen next.
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